You are selfish If you love yourself. I'm sorry to break this to you but that's a load of poop! Why do we wait until we 'grow up' before we try to live a life of luxury. Who told us that we needed to be extremely rich in order to be elegantly comfortable and hopelessly content with our lives? Lest I remind you that we are intricately beautiful beings only fortunate enough to grace this planet earth once! I haven't titled this a 'how to live luxuriously on a budget 101' as obtaining luxury doesn't necessarily mean you've loads of cash to spare that you sneeze tenners everywhere!
I'm going to share the secrets to possessing that luxury life, you've always dreamed about, but been too stingy to yourself to acquire.
Love yourself unconditionally because you're worth it. We can't licence others to shower us with praises and compliments, when we won't even acknowledge it all for ourselves. I don't place a limit on what I deserve. I know how hard I work and I appreciate every little step I make towards reaching my goals. Self love doesn't have to be a chore, its neglect can lead to you feeling unworthy and trust me on this one, that is a horrible way to carry yourself. Be the first to congratulate yourself when you've managed to arrive just on time to a lecture given the fact that your alarm failed to go off. Loving yourself is a priceless foundation to the luxe life.

I knew I wanted to win the cross country event that I'd taken part in a few years ago. I envisaged totally going for It and making the experience so worth while that I'd remember it for years to come. I did and still do. What I did with my picky dream, was to invest my time into making it happen. I made sure that I attended every training session after school, sacrificing the beloved Tracy Beaker evening rerun's. I ate as clean as I could, evading the cinnamon swirls from Tesco's bakery section during our family weekly food shop. I'd put so much into getting the best out of my experience, that on the day of the run, It had felt so rewarding despite the fact that I couldn't feel my legs and had a metallic taste in my mouth by the end of it. I secured second place. The point is, you can dream all you like for great things, things you'd never get tired of sharing during the small talks at fancy soirées, but, you'd never go anywhere If you sit on your bottom all day.
You have to know what you want in order for you to get it. When it comes to looking after yourself, you shouldn't settle for something that you don't really fancy. This is not to say, become totally spoilt and ungrateful, not appreciating anything that people do for you. But know your standards and stick to it, write up goals, make plans, bucket lists and wishlists, then set about making them all come true. If your unsure of your destination you'd most certainly blow with the wind , planting your seeds in soil that could be greener. I used to buy shoes that were cheap, cheerful and boring. Most of the times I was never comfortable with my footwear, they were either too poor in quality, blister-giving-havens and most times their aesthetic appeal could not stand the test of time! Now I've learnt to become very picky with my shoes as they're the statement piece to my outfit and they often house my feet for long periods of time. Creating a shoe mood board was one of the most rewarding things, when you're picky your 'wants' or desires' are forced to prove their essence in your life and rather than acquiring things on the whim, it has a heightened sentimental value that you've prepared and nurtured for long before its arrival.
Quality and excellence should be your attitude towards life. Whilst they are put into focus, remember not to become frustrated with your progress or envious of another's. Patience is a virtue and as obscure as It may seem at first, the true luxury lifestyle frowns upon the fast lane. You can't expect to be sitting upon the rooftops when you haven't first completed the task of climbing up the stairs. Many at times we blur out the real essence of living and cut out on treasurable conversations with friends and family, even something as simple as taking long strolls in the park just to admire natures breathtaking beauty. Slowing down and enjoying life is just as important as existing. A true life of luxury is one filled with deep passions, grand experiences and a focused mindset. Encompassed by love and true appreciation for the littlest of things around you, there's nothing more magnificent than that!
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