Friday, 12 August 2016

What Summer '16 Taught Me...

Sandals- Primark  Sunglasses- Ebay  Planner- The Works  Sunhat- Primark


This summer truly has been an eye opener in many regards. I decided to compile a list of valuable lessons that I've learnt as August gradually draws to a close - just before the back-to-school vibes here in the UK really start to kick in. Some of these lessons are more like quick phrases that can be compiled and said as a morning mantra just to put you in the right frame of mind for the day!


Read this philosophically. Just as you've heard the saying, countless times before , Rome was not built in a day, so also should this principal of everything good taking time apply to your daily life. This summer I've learnt not to rush, life is no hurry. And just as carefully and intricately were we formed in our mothers wombs , I also need to both carefully and intricately invest in myself. There is no joy in settling for mediocre things in life for the reason that, I can't be bothered to wait or work for the things I genuinely want/need. 

This lesson has honestly changed my wardrobe and I'll be doing a separate post on this in an upcoming post. For now, I want to focus on footwear. For so long I've been in denial of my actual shoe size. Growing up a tall girl ,it seemed quite unfair all the time, being the one whose shoe size was constantly unavailable (much worse in sales!) And also having closes that always looked like they'd shrunken x10 in the wash! (Okay its not that bad but for the longest time that's how I felt)
I recently got into the capsule wardrobe and the concept behind it really struck a chord with me. What was the point of having pairs of shoes that a) didn't fit me properly and so b) resulted in blisters all the time? Why did I need to sacrifice my comfort for shoes that were trendy but a pain to walk in?
So I did a massive shoe clearout and I still have more to do once I get back to uni, but the point it, I was settling for stuff I could get really easy but really and truly I couldn't say I loved being in them.
So here's the lesson, and this goes for anything- be more tactical and picky with what you possess. Trust me it's more rewarding in the long run. Weigh up your decisions against all the odds, ask yourself do I really need this? Would this really be beneficial in my life. Endeavour to edify yourself and most importantly understand that sometimes you just have to show yourself love and patience.
If you don't do it to your own self then you can't expect others to treat you with the same care.


Honestly speaking here, I have been exposed to an unhealthy about of summer sales. I happen to work on High Street Kensington which isn't afar off from Oxford St, Marble Arch and the other shopping havens we have here in London!
Unfortunately for me, I - for a reason which I'm still seeking to find out, went shopaholic crazy during my first few weeks or so here. Just because I had the money and the sales looked glaring good, I just went on a panic purchasing spree. 

Do I regret it? 
a) no 
b) no again

Well, quite simply put, I soon discovered that summer is supposed to be an enjoyable and carefree season. After a days worth of exploring things and places its quite unpleasant coming home to a cluttered den of possessions which I barely use and only own for the sake of the moment. 
Secondly, just because I was working and earning my own money, didn't mean that I equally needed to spend it all on trivial and superfluous things. Quite a lot of the items, haven taken them home and haven realised that their existence in my life really was not necessary, I swiftly returned them all during lunch breaks, saving well over £60,- phew! 
I do not therefore regret my mistake as it has allowed me to add this lesson to my list!


This summer I've learnt the power in the mind and the tongue really does work! I set my mind on taking my driving theory test , two months into summer, essentially giving myself one month to study for it. But I believe that I can achieve! And so one week into studying I had covered all fourteen topics and had given myself three weeks to do as many mock tests. No I did not have all the time in the world or an extensive library of resources but with my determination I was able to achieve.
I'm due to sit my test in a few days now- wish me luck! The point here is, to use yourself as a source of motivation and for your down days have a source of inspiration to jog you back into motion!


This goes for raising your head up high for things you believe in and being confident in your own skin. It's much easier said than done- I know! But be deliberate about your actions , your words and just the way you carry yourself as a person in general. With this in mind , you're assured that no one can ever catch you out, you're being yourself, you're doing your thing and making your own fabulous footprint in this life. Whoever and what ever chooses to cling by you, would simply do so because they appreciate you, they appreciate your essence and they appreciate what you stand for. Its always comforting knowing you're surrounded by such loving and supporting people.


This I'd say, goes hand in hand with the previous point. Of course there's going to be those days when you don't feel as confident in yourself or you may just deviate from your ethical boundary one day. If such happens- and it most certainly might, be sure you're able to make a swift recovery. 
The best ways you're able to equip yourself for when you do fall is again to be surrounded by the people who truly care for you, they can prove to be some of the best sources of upliftment when you're down or when you're not truly feeling yourself.
A verse I like from Ecclesiastes reads this: 

Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. 10 If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. 11 Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? 12 A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.

(Chapter 4:9-12)

Along with that, seeking advice from the right people can also be especially important when trying to pick yourself up from a fall. As you'd probably already know, I'm a firm believer in looking at your mistakes in a positive light and making them a learning curve. What did I do wrong? Where did I slip up? How can I move on and ensure that this isn't repeated?
Similarly, this next point could also help.


Yes, you heard it here first ! We all deserve to have that treat once in a while. Rather than waiting around all day for someone else to do it for you, there's nothing wrong in giving yourself that loving attention.
It all goes with realising your worth as an individual and recognising that its okay to be spoilt here and there once in a while.
So long as it really is once in a while and not once ever hour or once every blue moon! You don't want to treat yourself every so often as this can easily lapse into becoming over indulgence- its not really a treat then is it? With that you want to make sure that you're not breaking the bank and it isn't costing an arm and a leg to pamper yourself! 
I like to give myself a full body scrub - I've been loving 'this summer. I like to follow this up with taking a long relaxing bubble bath, dance out to my favourite songs, have the scented candles going and snacking on a bag of sweet popcorn to my fave Youtubers.
Now this indoorsy-type relaxation and pamper treatment, mightn't be for you, but you know yourself best, so find what would make you feel a princess and do it!

So that concludes the 'What I've Learnt This Summer' post, be sure to leave a comment down below of your favourite lesson from my list. Let's also start up a discussion! Please share any other interesting lessons learnt this summer of 2016!

As always,

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