Oh my! Oh my! Oh my!
So I finally did it!
I took a leap of faith and started a blog - (again)!
I've always had a passion for writing and sharing, so blogging my experiences and hobbies only seemed just the right thing to do.
Taking a walk down memory lane , I look back on my previous attempts in 2009-2012 on WordPress and Tumblr I was formerly known as 'Tall Slim & Slender' - (pretty nifty don't you think?) My blogging however, had no direction or purpose, most often I was simply re-posting trends that weren't necessarily of any real interest to me.
This is something I've learnt from and I aim to be more coherent, consistent and most importantly I aim to be , utterly and totally real!
I later then discovered the world of YouTube land and to no surprise I fell in love with the sharing aspect of it! (I'm still hooked by the way!) I enjoyed watching content that I knew must've had so much thought and effort going into it in order to produce such good quality media. Although I'd spend hours on end browsing through channels - (like seriously, this thing has overtaken my entertainment life!) , I knew that solely joining the YouTube community, wouldn't give me the type of creative expression that I was really after - erm hello, writing !!!
In saying that however, I do have plans to start up a sister channel to this blog on Youtube very soon. One thing I've slowly come to accept is my love for photography! I really do enjoy taking pictures and have recently begun to experiment with the analog effect and feel to a photo.
Now back to the point...
I did what was only natural to do. I went back to blogging! But this time I did my research! Taking notes from many bloggers that I currently enjoy and determining to adopt the tips and tricks that they had shared.
I've decided to call this one , ' Through Mercy's Eyes ' , as I feel that it best allows for me to express my daily endeavors, experiences and hobbies.
I seek to produce content on literature, lifestyle, hair, beauty and travel. This blog would simply be a medium for me to share how the world is like from my experience , hence it being through my eyes!
Furthermore, I also want to share my university and career experience. This section I've titled, 'Through the Eyes of a City Law Student' and I hope to impart my knowledge and expereience with the budding lawyers or readers of law out there.
As I share you'd soon find out that it is also a platform for me to grow as a person and so everything won't always be perfect - but hey, that's okay! We change everyday. I believe that any mistakes made are to be seen in a positive light, somewhat like a learning curve.
I knew my journey towards realising that I finally wanted to start this blog had ended when my research had slowly begun tying itself in together. How best do I explain this? Well, through this summer '16 of fine tuning my thoughts and style I stumbled across fabulous inspirational people and awesome concepts such as the capsule wardrobe and minimalism. I hope to share much more in detail through the course of upcoming posts on my blog.
Do stick around, I have plenty to share!
I've decided that blogging really and truly is for me and I hope that gradually in time you'll gently fall in love with my expression.
I'm a Londoner with flare to my stride and flavour to my essence.
So this is what I have to say now that I've leapt!
I challenge you all to continue on your journey towards finding your muse!
As you voyage through life always leap towards each new window, you never can tell what joy it brings once you finally just do it!
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